[Gatesedge] Changes (Part 2 of 2 - Long)

Snorri Hallsson snorri.hallsson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 19:48:23 PDT 2005

Greetings to all and apologies for the long and multiple posts:

My name is Snorri Hallsson.  If you don't know who I am, or who my
wife Gróa Ulfsdottir is, go ahead and delete this now.  This is a
personal message, but it's the best way to reach all the people that
I'd like to reach.

Recently we posted about a necessary change in our e-mail address,
from Houston Roadrunner accounts to Gmail accounts.  If you missed
that e-mail, I'm now at snorri.hallsson at gmail.com and Gróa is at
groa.ulfsdottir at gmail.com - these are the only addresses that we're
reliably using at this time, so if you haven't made the change in your
address book, please go ahead and do so.  That brings me to the other
part of this post, and this is the part that I really, really *hate*
to write.

Gróa and I will be moving in late July to northern Illinois.  As much
as we want to stay with our friends and our chosen family here,
sometimes the practicality of life sets in and you have to do what you
have to do.  This move is something that, looking long-term, we have
to do.  This is not a permanent goodbye - we plan on coming back and
attending events in Ansteorra as we can - but we would like the
opportunity to see as many of you throughout Ansteorra as possible
before we go.

Between now and our departure, we will be at:
* Quest for the Book of Days (Apr 29-May 1)
* Bordermarch Baronial (May 13-15)
* Steppes Warlord (May 27-30)
* Kingdom Dance & Music (Jun 18)
* Coronation (Jul 9)

It is our intent to have some sort of reception area set aside under a
pavilion at each of these events (event stewards and activites
permitting, of course) so that we can spend some time with our friends
exchanging contact information and hugs.

Gróa says I'm supposed to tell you that the Saturday of Bordermarch
Baronial is my birthday, so there'll definitely be a party there; that
a friend of ours is making sure there's one sometime at Steppes
Warlord; and that Kindgom Dance & Music is on my mother, Aldís
Brunísdottir's birthday, she'll be in attendance to say her farewells
to Ansteorra, so there'll be a party off-site that evening too.

I hesitate to say that "mundane life" or "real life" is requiring us
to leave Ansteorra, because for the past several years, time and again
Ansteorrans have shown that there is no difference between the two. 
We're not friends and family because that's what Ansteorrans do -
we're friends and family because that's what friends and family do,
SCA or not.  We just all happen to have Ansteorra in our hearts

Ansteorra and its people will always, always have a very special, very
large part of our hearts, for the rest of our days and beyond.  If you
know us, please come to one of these events if at all possible so we
can hug your necks and tell stories and lies about each other, and
enjoy together once more what makes Ansteorra "unique and singular."

With ten-pointed tears in our eyes,
Snorri Hallsson & Gróa Ulfsdottir, Ansteorrans

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