[Gatesedge] Shire Reeve

cyranobcc at netzero.com cyranobcc at netzero.com
Fri Aug 5 15:36:17 PDT 2005

Unto the good populace of Gate's Edge, Don Brian mac Cael sends warm and felicitous Greetings!

It is with great pride and honor that I have served as your Reeve for these past 2 1/2 years.  However, it is time I handed the Office off to a successor.  As of Sept 1, I will be assuming the position as Regional Treasurer and , therefore, can no longer hold this office as well.  If you are interested in applying for the Office, please write a letter, along with membership information, to HL Saundra of Loch Raeburn (current Regional) and Lady Isobail inghean Gilla Chriosd (acting Kingdom), with a copy to myself and our Seneschal.

Any questions that I can answer for you about the Office I will more than pleased to respond.

In Service to the Dream,


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