[Gatesedge] Gate's Edge Sunday Fighter Practice

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 05:53:55 PDT 2005

 Lord Tora and I are thankful to everyone who showed up at our Sunday 
Fighter Practice.
 In attendance was...
Iaen Mor 
Engenulf De Vienville
Natalia Auvert
Lillian Elise
 and newcomers
Christien de Charlemaison (I hope I spelled that correctly) mka Bob
Ben Perez
Catherine Perez
 Thank you for coming out and spending time with us at the park. We look 
forward to seeing you at populace tonite and those that need to work on 
their armour...we will see you on Tuesday at the Guest house!
 In Service,

Racheal no Ansteorra 
mka Cherish Robinson
Secretary of Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
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