[Gatesedge] Look who I found!!!

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Wed Feb 9 15:39:51 PST 2005

Hey Everybody!!! I lurk on about every list in the kingdom and look who just
posted to Shadowlands!!! Looks like she is doing better. Those of you who
love and care about this lady and who have been wanting to say howdy, just
cut and paste her address from below and drop her a line! I'll bet she would
love to hear from folks!
Annes-doing the happy dance.
You are not an archeologist trying to construct a society that has been
lost. You are a historian who is preserving what is now for the future to
learn about us.The only SCA historians who will be SCA archeologists will be
our heirs if we, as historians today, fail to do our jobs properly.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shanahan" <ms_shanahan at yahoo.com>
To: <shadowlandssca at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 12:58 PM
Subject: --<Shadowlands>-- Introduction as per request

Greetings, noble Shadowlanders,

It has been many seasons since I last entered your lands.  I am Shanahan the
Fey, called Stormbearer and to many in the Knowne World, I am a fossil - no,
I predate the fossils... guess that would make me 'primorial ooze'.  Several
years ago I thought to reestablish myself among your folk but the rule of
'the Mundanous' deemed otherwise.  Now, I find myself a true resident of
these parts and wish to join you in your endevors medieval.

I bear a Laurel, a Grant of Arms and a Sable Comet as well as the Misty Star
of Stargate.  It is my honor to be one of the orignal nine founders of the
Stargate and I was present during many of the early Shadowlander events.  My
photographic files go back some 30 plus years.  As was shown at Ansteorran
XXV, I have items of Shadowland's infantcy.  I was also A&S Coordinator for
the last years of the TRF.  Beadwork is my speciality but I love most
anything 'craftsy'.  My current endeavor is weaving and metal-casting.

I look forward to meeting you all and 'playing' again,


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