[Gatesedge] From the List Admin - Urging Vigilance

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Sat Feb 26 04:58:37 PST 2005



As I head out the door this morning to the Ravensmarch event, I note that
we've been hit by no less than five separate spam/virus/worm attempts in the
past 72 hours.  So far, nothing's made it through to the list.  I don't want
to see that change.


If you do not have virus protection that includes spyware detection, I
*strongly* urge you to get it.  If you have it, I *strongly* urge you to
update your definitions and to run regular virus scans on your computer.
These particular attacks seem to have come from a worm that enters into the
user's address book and sends replications of itself out using bogus e-mail
accounts as the senders.  I'll try to get more information when we come back
from Ravensmarch; if anyone has anything to offer in the meantime, please do


If you receive an e-mail from an unknown source with subject lines such as
"Your Loan Is Pre-Approved" or anything else remotely suspicious, DELETE IT.
Do not open it to see what it is; if you use Outlook or Outlook Express, do
not preview it.  Apparently this is all that the worm needs to get into your


The spam level on the kingdom servers remains quite low, and the filters we
have in place keep Gatesedge as one of the more spam-free lists the kingdom
hosts. I'd like to help keep our subscribers among the most incident-free
users possible.



Honor, good fortune and hospitality,

HL Snorri Hallsson

Gatesedge List Administrator 


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