[Gatesedge] Stargate heraldic consultation night / Gates Edge fiber arts night

Groa Ulfsdottir groa.ulfsdottir at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 08:42:42 PDT 2005

Greetings to you all,
 I hope this message finds you in good health and good spirits. 
Unfortunately this message is not the happiest news. I'm writing to inform 
you all that with the deepest regret I must cancel Stargate heraldic 
consultation & Gates Edge fiber arts night for the rest of my time here in 
Ansteorra. As life is getting increasingly crazier with packing and 
organizing there just isn't going to be time or space at our place for these 
activities to continue. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the short 
notice for this month's meeting cancellation.
 In service to the Dream and all it's Dreamers,
Gróa Ulfsdottir
Sentinel Persuivant
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