[Gatesedge] Officer's meetings...

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 21 17:10:37 PDT 2005

Noone who was absent at the last populace meeting has
the information on the officer vote because I have not
posted it yet:)-This involves ALL the populace, so
please read it if you are an officer or not.  

If you are an officer, please email me your vote:Do
you like the Officer's Meeting as it is (the same day
as populace) or so you wish to change it to a
diffenerent day of the month.  The populace may
comment on their views since officer meeting are open
to everyone. However, only officers votes will be
counted.  The deadline for getting votes in will be
Thursday July 7th at Midnight (I'm adding an extra
week since I understand how difficult it can be to
maintain email).  Any votes not recieved by then will
be assumed to be "abstained"

I planned in posting it with the meeting minutes. My
apologies for the delay.  The meeting minutes should
be posted by tomorrow evening.  Anyone who wishes a
tape made of the minutes, may bring a blank tape to
the next meeting with the populace meeting date you
wish recorded.   

Thank you!

--- Bulgarelli Maria <scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Ok I have a question.  Has everyone had the chance
> to
> vote on when the Officer's meeting will be?  I'm not
> sure if every officer/deputy/acting officer has
> gotten
> the information.
> Maria
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