[Gatesedge] Questionaire

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 20:04:25 PST 2005

Greetings to all of Gate's Edge

In my Chronicler box there were some *old *Questionnaires that were filled
out.  I would like each of you to fill out the following Questionnaire and
return it to me.  I will be using the information to create a Birthday
Calendar.  If you are interested in holding and office or heading up a
guild, then I will be passing that information on to the correct person.
Etc.  So please fill in all the blanks.

If you have filled out a paper copy - there is no need to do this one.
Thank you for your time,

Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary of Gate's Edge Knight Marshal

*Gate's Edge*

*Populace Questionnaire*

*This questionnaire is intended to update the Shire files and to get an idea
what the populace would like to see happen in the coming year.  It will also
be used to create a telephone directory of the populace and other
information that can be used for the newsletter, i.e. birthdays,
anniversaries, special happenings, etc.  Please print legibly, fill in all
the blanks thoroughly and to the best of your memory.  *

*Thank you for your help.*
Society name: _________________________________________________

*Legal name: ___________________________________________________*

*Address: ______________________________________________________*

*City: _______________________  State: ___________  Zip: ____________*

*Phone number:  (___) __________________  Birth date:  ___ / ____ / ____*

*Are you related to anyone in the SCA (Legally as in husband/wife/child)
_____________  And if so, who? _________________________________*

*What year did you first participate in the SCA? ____________________*

*What was your first Society event? ______________________________*

*Are you a paid member of the society?            Yes                No*

*If YES when does your membership expire?  _________________*

*Do you receive "Over the Edge"?              Yes                No*

*What offices have you held? _____________________________________*


*Do you presently hold an office?       Yes               No*

*If YES, when does your warrant expire? ________________________*

*Are you willing to hold an office?      Yes               No*

*Which one? (Don't worry we won't make you take it right away unless you
ask) __________________________________________________________*

*Please list all awards and honors (recent and ancient, serious and silly)
that you have received in the SCA: _____________________________________*


*Have you ever been an autocrat?      Yes               No*

*Where and when (what event):  ___________________________________*


*List any household affiliations you may have: _______________________*

***Do you have a persona or persona story?    Yes           No*

*If yes please make a brief description or attach story.*



*Do you need help in creating a persona/story?   Yes          No*

*Are you a fighter?           Heavy list                        Light list*

*Do you have armor?                Yes                 No*

*Are you interested in fighting or constructing armor?  Yes             No*

*Are you an archer?              Yes                    No*

*Do you shoot:           Target                    Combat*

*Are you interested in archery?           Yes             No*

*Are you interested in combat archery?    Yes                 No*

*What areas of the Arts and Sciences are you interested in?*

*       Calligraphy                                   Leatherworking*

*       Illumination & Scroll work          Sewing & clothing*

*       Needlepoint                                 Bardic*

*       Blackwork                                   Storytelling*

*       Weaving                                       Singing & songwriting*

*       Crewel work                                Poetry*

*       Beadwork                                    Theater & drama*

*       Cross stitch                                 Cooking & baking*

*       Brewing & winemaking               Woodworking*

*       Herbalism                                    Chainmail*

*Other Arts & Sciences not listed above: _____________________________*


*Are you willing to teach any A&S that you know?   Yes               No*


Do you have a registered name?     Yes            No

Would you like to have your name registered?     Yes            No

Do you have a registered device?        Yes             No

Would you like to have your device registered?     Yes            No

If YES please place device/blazon below and explain it:



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