[Gatesedge] Gate's Edge Fighter Practice

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 14:51:06 PDT 2005

 Lord Tora and I would like to thank the following Gate's Edge people for 
joining us at the Thursday night fighter practice -- 
 Lord Eric Greyfox
Lord Padraic of Kilkenny
Lady Elizabetta de Medics
Lady Alys de la Foret
Lord Ramons lo Montalbaes
 And we would like to thank our new friends for joining also --
 Haun of Blackwood -- mka David Bass of LA
William Bass 
Michelle Bass
James Sackman
Joseph Sackman
 We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday...Meyer Park...4pm til 6pm. If 
you need directions, please email me!
 Bring armour -- crafts -- scrolls -- whatever you wish to work on.
 In Service,

Racheal no Ansteorra 
mka Cherish Robinson
Secretary of Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
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