[Gatesedge] A&S Applications
Natasha Storfer
natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 29 16:05:06 PDT 2006
Greetings to the Wonderful Populace of Gate's Edge!
Have you been thinking about applying to be the next
Gate's Edge Arts and Science Minister? The deadline
for applications is approaching soon! The last day to
apply will be our September Populace Meeting.
Please send your application to:
1. our current A&S Minister Lady Cecelie at
cecelie at earthlink.net
2. Our Regional A&S Minister Lady Caitriona at
prand at swbell.net
3. Myself (I'm just a much appreciated head's-up cc :)
and you can reach me though this email address)
Let us know your experience and why you want the
position. The basic requirements are taking the
classes, being a paid member and getting your reports
in. If you have any questions, feel free to email me
or call (281) 580-2060.
Thank you!
Natalia Auvert
Seneschal of Gate's Edge
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