[Gatesedge] Fwd: [Ansteorra] fencing gear stolen 8/28

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 05:41:05 PDT 2006

I know that not everyone on Gate's Edge list gets the Ansteorra emails so I
am forwarding this on.  Please help keep an eye out for these items!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wayne Ross <wayner at stormypetrel.org>
Date: Aug 31, 2006 7:31 AM
Subject: [Ansteorra] fencing gear stolen 8/28
To: ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org, steppes at lists.ansteorra.org,
elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org

Posting here in case anyone happens to spot these items up for sale
somewhere or frankly anywhere.

Monday night my home was broken into and a lot of stuff was stolen,
including my car. I am working with police and the insurance company
now, and everyone in the house is okay. The reason I am telling y'all
this is because in the trunk of the car was all of my fencing gear.

There were:
- a deltin  from Darkwood Armory, with green leather wrapped  grips and
a symmetrical swept hilt guard. The blade was tipped with leather
wrapped cork.
- a schlager with green leather wrapped grip, brass grip and pommel, and
brass button tips on the quillions and knucklebow. The blade was tipped
with leather wrapped cork
- another schlager, with chromed swept hilt guard, diamond cross section
quillions, and a light colored wooden grip.
- another schlager with simple 2 ring guard, and a ring dagger, with
cherry grips and disc pommels, from MAS weapons
-  a custom made safe-flex bladed main gauche with a hexagonal brass
pommel with a red gem on the end
- an epee with a pierced cup hilt (also MAS I think). The blade was
tipped with leather wrapped cork

Also in the bag were a 3 weapon fencing mask, leather gorget, 2 pair of
gloves (brown and black), hood, cloak, wooden buckler... the standard
kit I guess. But the easiest to recognize by far, and the most likely to
show up in a pawn shop or on EBay are the rapiers, which is why I posted
their details here.

They were stolen in Dallas Texas the night/morning of August 28/29, so
will likely be somewhere close.. but ya never know. My car had a 3/4
tank of gas, which for a hybrid would take them to the corners of the
kingdom, so the stuff could be anywhere I guess.

Anyway, if anyone spots any of these items, please contact me or the
police. Also, please post to any other list that you think might help.

Many thanks,

Don Duncan Hepburn
mka Wayne Ross
Ansteorra mailing list
Ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
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