[Gatesedge] Stargate Yule Classes ...

Maria scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 4 20:15:45 PST 2006

I wanted to let everyone know that there are several classes scheduled for
Stargate Yule.

The CPR and First Aid class will be starting at 10 am.  It is an all day
class and there is a $20 charge for the class.  The books can be purchased
for an additional $10.00.

Other classes will include:
Inkle Weaving (bring your own Inkle Loom)
History of the Barony of Stargate
Court Ettiquite
Preparing for Gulf Wars

If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me at
scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net.

In Service to the Dream,
Lady Elizabeta Maria dei Medici
Maria Buchanan
Hospitaler - Barony of the Stargate

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