[Gatesedge] Impt. reminder

hlannes hlannes at ev1.net
Sun Feb 5 08:10:34 PST 2006

Greetings Unto the Lists!

I wish to remind everyone that I am still gathering largess for Thier Majesties Glenn Ahbann. TE, Ihon and Isabeau, Baron and Baroness of The Stargate, will present this largess to TRM Glenn Ahbann when they attend Gulf Wars in March as a gesture of friendship, good-will and sympathy.

Largess needs to be small and portable. Here is a suggested list. Please be aware that it is by no means complete.

Small boxes
Inkle belts
Pretty stones and rocks

Please search your closets and treasure rooms for that which you might share with TRM to distribute to their populace as they see fit. Bring it with you to February and/or March Stargate Populace at Ryan's Steak House on W. 34th street. If you can not attend either of these and still wish to donate largess, please do not hesitate to contact me and we will make other arraingements. Until then, I remain...
Forever In Service,
Mesterinde Annes Clotilde von Bamburg

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