[Gatesedge] Seige Weapons

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 10 20:49:02 PST 2006

To the Populace of Gate's Edge,

If you have any interest in chucking flying cattle (or
other projectiles) at the enemy, do I have an
opportunity for you!  Our Coastal Siege Engine Marshal
has contacted me and is eager to teach and encourage
the use of the ancient machines of war.  If you are
interested, please contact myself through email or at
(281) 580-2060, of The Coastal marshal, Fox, at:

commander at mongounegen.com
(979) 244-0186 (after 7:30)

He is trying to ready classes. So, if you are
interested, please send your information asap.

Thank you,
Natalia Auvert
Seneschal of Gate's Edge


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