[Gatesedge] Gate's Edge Fighter Practice

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 05:24:44 PDT 2006

Greetings to all,

Last Thursday was a wonderful practice though no one got into armour!  We
had several newcomers come out to the park. John Banks, Dustin Rutherford,
William Golden, and Brian Spradley all talked with Lord Tora about Chiv
fighting and Lady Claire about Rapier fighting.  Brian and his children were
talking with Lady Alesone, Lord Engenulf, and Patrick about youth
boffer...looks like we might need some loaner gear for them soon.  Lady
Alesone is looking into what she would be required to do for us to hold
boffer practices.  Then we also had Kara Seymour and Donnovan mka Don May
stop by to find out about the Shire.  They recently moved here from An Tir.

Regarding today's practice - according to weather.com, there is a 30% chance
of rain from 3 pm til 6 pm.  We plan on being at the park from 4 pm til
lighting or 6 pm whichever happens first.  You are more than welcome to be
joining us.  I have spoken with Lady Claire - as she is on vacation this
week, she will be at the park.  So if you have rapier gear - head on out to
the park today!

til then,

Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis

time sent: 7.28 am.
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