[Gatesedge] Herald Application Deadline Reminder

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 28 09:44:53 PST 2006

To the Populace of Gate's Edge,

Just a reminder to those interested in becoming the
Gate's Edge Herald, your applications should be sent
by April 1st to the following people:

Regional Herald: HL Alden Drake
(alden_drake at sbcglobal.net)
Gate's Edge Herald: Lord Donnchad de Pixley
(donnchad_de_piksle at yahoo.com)
Gate's Edge Seneschal: Lady Natalia Auvert
(natashastorfer at yahoo.com)

If you have any questions, please let one of us know.

Thank you!
Natalia Avuert
Gate's Edge Seneschal

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