[Gatesedge] Gate's Edge Scribal Meeting

Sabine sabine_6978 at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 15:41:42 PDT 2006

Greetings All,

First I want to say thanks to those of you who showed
up for our meeting last week.  I get so backwards
sometimes, I can't remember what day we are getting
together.  Thank goodness someone can keep track!  :)

This week due to mundane issues we will not be having
scribal.  So please note that our next scheduled
meeting will be on June 07 at Lady Natalia's house. 
We will be having Lady Natalia teach her Color 101
class.  She will be going over painting techniques,
common terminology, and pigment properties.  There
will also be a FAQ section, and a new section on
brushes.  Very informative please try to attend.

Please call if you need directions.  We hope to see
you there.

In Service,

Lady Sabine Dubois

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