[Gatesedge] Fw: Newcomer's meeting October 11 7:30 PM

Maria scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 3 15:50:21 PDT 2006

Hi all.  It's that time again.  Newcomer's meeting is scheduled for October 11 at 7:30 at my house.  

Anyone needing directions, please call me at 281-433-0347.  

We'll be running a basic SCA 101 class again, cause we have a few really new people.  That's also the weekend before the Gate's Edge event so we'll also do a little Events 101 and Camping 101 if anyone wants to camp at the event.

Shoot me an email or a phone call if you want to attend.

In Service to the Dream,
Lady Elizabeta Maria dei Medici
Maria Buchanan
Hospitaler - Barony of the Stargate
Hospitaler - Shire of Gate's Edge
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