[Gatesedge] Drachenstitch Thank-Yous

Sabine sabine_6978 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 18 06:19:05 PDT 2006


I just wanted to take a moment to send some thank yous
out for the event this past weekend. 

First that you to Maria and Gregor who made it
possible for Hugh and I to take a break from the gate
for a while.  It was wonderful to walk around and see
everything in full action!

Next thanks to Lrds Enganulf and Erik for the
beautiful scrolls for Heavy Armored and Archery.  Your
artwork was beautiful, and it was a huge weight off to
know that they were being taken care of.

Finally I want to thank Natalia and Hugh for thier
outstanding assistance with everything.  Natalia as
always produced amazing scrolls.  You both helped to
keep me from loosing my mind, and stayed up with me
for the late nights and the crying when I didn't think
the scrolls turned out quite right.  It really means
alot to me!

It was a wonderful event!  Vivat to both Autocrats!

In service,

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