[Gatesedge] Neighbor Thank Yous

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 18 20:34:04 PDT 2006

To the Wonderful Populace of Gate's Edge,

As anyone who attended our event knows, it was
spectacular!  You probably also noticed that we had
many coordinators come in from other groups (mainly

Off the top of my head I can think of water bearing
(Lady Ciarnat from Westgate), the acting crown
representatives (Master Ihon and HL Isabeau from
Stargate), co-autocrate (Lady Cristyana from
Stargate), and MANY others working hard at set-up,
feast and everything between.  

If you see our neighbors that helped us pull off a
wonderful event, please let them know who much we
appreciate them!

Your humble Seneschal
Natalia Auvert

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