[Gatesedge] Fwd: [Hou-announce] Possible demo for HMNS

Jennifer Dudley jen at clancircle.com
Wed Oct 18 12:38:41 PDT 2006

Westgate thought about doing the demo and after talking with the museum, we
decided it wouldn't work out.  The museum wouldn't allow us to wear anything
but Roman garb and only show Roman style arts and such.  We determined that
there probably wasn't enough members to pull that kind of demo off.  I think
the final decision by the Museum was to not have us there for this exhibit,
but will let us know about future possibilities.  For the full story,
contact Lady Aleson MacKay - juliannadaemonshire at yahoo.com 


Thanks :-):
Brenna MacDonald




From: gatesedge-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:gatesedge-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Racheal
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:07 PM
To: Gate's Edge Mail List
Subject: [Gatesedge] Fwd: [Hou-announce] Possible demo for HMNS


Here it is. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Betenbaugh <mbetenbaugh at houston.rr.com >
Date: Aug 25, 2006 12:59 AM
Subject: [Hou-announce] Possible demo for HMNS
To: hou-announce at lists.ansteorra.org


Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears...


I hope I have your attention. 

I met the Education Coordinator for the Houston Museum of Natural Science at
work today. We talked of horses and other things and I mentioned the SCA and
our Demo for Lord of the Rings. She got excited and asked if we would be
interested in doing another demo.       

 They are going to have a showing of  "Imperial Rome" beginning in February.
If someone would like to coordinate this, I have her contact information.
Her work email is:  khavens at hmns.org   Phone : 713-639-4759   Fax
713-639-4681   SHe is Kathleen Havens.

  She said they like working with the S.C.A.


Lorraine Fraser

Hou-announce mailing list
Hou-announce at lists.ansteorra.org

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