[Gatesedge] New A&S Minister

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 27 08:11:06 PDT 2006

To the Honorable Popoulace of Gate's Edge,

Lady Cecelie has graced us with her outstanding
efforts on behalf of Gate's Edge for a full two years.
She did a wonderful job behind the scenes with efforts
ranging from loaner garb repair to monthly reports and
gentle reminders for local guilds to send in their
reports.  Many thanks go to you sweet Lady for all you
have done for us!

I am honored to announce that our new Arts and Science
Minister will be our own Lady Sabine Dubois, who
starts the position with a background of hosting or
running numerous guilds for our group, including the
Scribal Guild and Jewelry/Beading Guild.  Thank you
for taking on this service for Gate's Edge.  I wish
you the best during your 'term'!  And to all those
guilds out there, remember to send in your reports
(word-fame, attendance, concerns and questions) so
that the A&S Minister can pass on those words and
answer those questions!

For September, Cecelie and Sabine will be doing a
co-report, so please send your information to both of
cecelie at earthlink.net
sabine_6978 at yahoo.com

Your Humble Seneschal,
Natalia Auvert

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