[Gatesedge] Fighter Practice

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 14:52:43 PDT 2006

Greetings all,

We had a wonderful practice last night.  Lords Tora, Eric, Patrick, Ramons,
and Mattais got to do several rounds - even got in a little bit of melee
practice in.  And newcomer Tony got into armour and had a go with Ramons.
Tony was still smiling and laughing afterwards so I think we have another
fighter joining our group. Lord Engenulf did most of the marshaling for us
while Ladies Alesone, Alyce, Patricia, and I watched the fighting as did
Lord Brian, son Ian, little Patrick, and Brittney.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday at the park from 4 pm til 6

In Service,

Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis
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