[Gatesedge] From Gregor

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 13:57:11 PDT 2007

For some reason, this was in the discard files....

From: Joe McGrew <oscagne at gmail.com>
To: Gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: An Excellent Birthday Gift
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:55 PM

Saturday I received my Award of Arms.  Today I turned 35 years old.
What better gift for that occasion than the afterglow of having been
recognized by Royalty in front of one's friends in one's own Shire?

I want to thank all those involved for making this a very special
birthday.  Particularly Her Majesty, who helped buffer the shock.
Whatever answer she was expecting to her question, "How are you?" . .
. "Confused and perplexed." wasn't it.

It has been a great weekend.  Thanks again.

Lord Gregor MacBeathain
Gate's Edge
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