[Gatesedge] Queens Champion

Christoforo don_christoforo at peoplepc.com
Sun Jul 22 20:02:36 PDT 2007

Greetings Everyone!

Queens Champion has come and gone.

I am not one to make noise about myself but I will say that I am honored
to be Champion to Her Majesty Ebergardis von Zell. 

I can truly say that despite the fact that the rain did not come just to
spite our changing plans to the wet weather set up, our shire showed its
ability to host an outstanding event. My thanks to everyone who helped 
make my job as marshal that day an easy one. With out all of your
support, there would have been a different champion.

For the next 6 months, I am going to be Very busy.

We will still have our rapier practice out at Meyer Park on Sundays at 2

p.m. in conjunction with the Chiv practice.

On that note, we have picked up a rapier fighter from out of Seawinds.
Fredric has expressed interest in picking up rapier again. And I have
gotten notes from a couple others from surrounding areas that are 
interested as well.

That all being said... If you want to play Rapier, SHOW UP!. I'll be

In Service,

Don Christoforo
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