[Gatesedge] Expenses for Kings College

Ciarnat ciarnat at nww.net
Tue Jun 12 20:34:35 PDT 2007

We only have a short time frame to get expenses recorded for King's College.
If you are going to be at the Business Meeting on Monday, June 18, you can
bring them there.  Otherwise, please get the form from the website
http://stargate.ansteorra.org/exchequer.shtml , fill it out and send to me
by Saturday.  This is so that I can take it to the business meeting for you
and get it approved.  If you cant get me the receipts, at least let me know
what to expect so that I can fill out the event form.

All this is so that we can get the event report filed on time.  It is
convenient because the financial committee is available all in one place.

Send me your comments for the event report form:
Event Comments: (What things happened at this event to make it special or
increase attendance such as Crown attendance, Peerage Circles, Elevations,
Investiture, bad weather, etc.) Use extra pages as needed.

Vivat to Sara for all her hard work on balancing the gate sheets.....

In your service,
Leofwine the lowly exchequer.
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