[Gatesedge] Fwd: --<Shadowlands>-- FW: [Ravensfort] Park & Direction

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 16:57:27 PDT 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Foster <sir.rhodri at gmail.com>
Date: Jun 12, 2007 6:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: --<Shadowlands>-- FW: [Ravensfort] Park & Direction
To: shadowlandssca at yahoogroups.com

For those who missed this on the first time around - following are the
directions to the joint fighter practice which is in Ravensfort this
Sunday.  This for both rapier and chivalric fighters.   There were three
dons (more than the number of knights) at the last joint practice held in
Gates Edge.  Come on out and have fun.


directions to Kate Barr Park

humble archer
Ravens Fort Ansteorra
>Directions to the new park are easy...
> >From Walgreen's which is located on the corner of (Ave.Q/Hwy 75 & Hwy 30)

>drive North on Ave.Q/ Hwy75 for about 1.5 miles. You'll drive through two
>traffic lights. Kate Barr Ross Park will be on the right side. I have
>provided a link which will show you where the park located. On the map the
>park will be the open area that is surrounded by Airport Road and Old
>Airport Road. The Park entrance will be Old Airport Road. You'll see
>Baseball fields from the main road. If you see the landing strip to the
>airport you just went to far. Once in the park drive past the baseball
>fields and you'll notice play ground equipment, picnic tables, a brown
>gazebo type building, and right next to it a restrooms with real toilets
>and running water.... plus the park is lighted up most nights do to lights
>from the airport, baseball fields, and of course Wynn Farm. And the police
>come through often, because there refueling station is next to the park.
>Its really nice you'll like it...
>In Service,
>Lord Malcolm de Crauford
>Southern Regional Hospitaler


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Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis
Thunder Patch to HL Caley and Lord Gavin
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