[Gatesedge] Fwd: [Ansteorra] [Hou-announce] Don Brian MacCael's Situation
racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 18:20:29 PDT 2007
Sorry...I thought that this had been passed on to GE.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: L T <ldeerslayer at yahoo.com>
Date: Jun 19, 2007 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] [Hou-announce] Don Brian MacCael's Situation
To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>,
Kimberly Langhans <sarapenrose at yahoo.com>
Cc: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>,
hou-announce at lists.ansteorra.org, "Coastal Region of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc."
<coastal at lists.ansteorra.org>, Rapier at marshal.ansteorra.org, Loch Soilleir
Announcements <loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org>
Don Brian went into surgery at around Midnight and
came out around 6:30 this morning.
They pinned and stiched him back together ;)
and the prognosis is good.
He is in Shock Trauma ICU. He will be heavily sedated today.
Since he was life-flighted... and they give people "nicknames"
for the 1st 24 to 48 hours you may or may not be able to find him under his
His nurse asked me to remind people that per HIPPA
they can only give information to specific individuals.
He has asked that if people want to send cards, pictures, or other well
to please wait til he takes up residence in a private room.
He reitterated to me that he thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers.
Per the paper it was a head-on collision. The other driver overcorrected and
hit him. The other driver and one of the two children in the car were also
L DeerSlayer
Brian O'hUilliam <brianoftheloch at gmail.com> wrote: Greeting everyone,
I actually got to get in and see Don Brian tonight at about 8:30 along
with Herrin Hedwig. He has many scratches and his entire left side is
really banged up. He has fractures in his left elbow, femur, and heel.
Thankfully there is no internal or head trauma!
The accident itself was not a head-on collision as was previously
reported, but Brian was T-boned on a winding road. At this time, we have no
information on the guy who hit Brian or if anyone else was involved.
He was alert and in his usual spirits when we visited and only wanted
someone to get his rapier gear out of car. He also wanted me to inform
everyone that he wont be a fighter practice tomorrow :-).
Brian should be in surgery right now. He's got a lot of PT ahead of him
and it will a long time before he fights again, but, thankfully, he will be
fine. He is at Memorial Hermann at the Medical Center in the Shock Trauma
ICU (STICU). He thanks you all for your prayers and kind wishes.
As for Morgan, she was with her mother at the time of the accident and is
Thank you all,
Brian O' hUilliam
Cadet to Don Brian MacCael
On 6/18/07, Kimberly Langhans wrote:
> I just heard from Lady Hedwig, who is at the hospital
> with Lord Brian O hUilliam (who is Don Brian's cadet),
> and from Lady Erynh. The news is that Brian has
> multiple compound fractures, but no internal bleeding.
> He is conscious and coherent, and asking that his
> armor bag be retrieved from the trunk of his car. :)
> He's supposed to go into surgery later this evening to
> have a rod placed in his leg, and maybe pins in his
> elbow.
> He's in CICU at the Robertson Pavilion at Memorial
> Hermann hospital in Houston. I don't know a room
> number yet, but we'll post to the list once we know.
> Brian's daughter Morgan is safe with her mother, and
> was not in the vehicle at the time of the accident.
> Please keep Brian and his family in your thoughts and
> prayers.
> Sara
> --- Brian O'hUilliam
> > Thank you to all who were concerned. Brian's
> > emergency contact was
> > contacted and she is on her way. He is located at
> > Memorial Hermann at the
> > Medical Center. Thank you for for all of your
> > thoughts and prayers....I'll
> > update when I have more information.
> >
> > Brian
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Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
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Thunder Patch to HL Caley and Lord Gavin
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