[Gatesedge] Fwd: [Ravensfort] Blue Moon What's it...

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 09:45:47 PDT 2007

This is for those of you who were wondering....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HOFFPAUIR, DAVID R <ENV_DRH at shsu.edu>
Date: Jun 18, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: [Ravensfort] Blue Moon What's it...
To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
Cc: clancadhla at yahoogroups.com, The Swein Broathers <
sweinnet at lists.ansteorra.org>

Heilsa ya'll,

Ok, with that bit about the site now firmly resolved, we can self-motivate
to plan B...

As was discussed, and has been requested, by HE Brion, HE Fiona and a holy
host of other Baronial members, I will open my humble bit of Sanctuary for a
Blue Moon Party.  It will be June 30.  Show up on Friday, leave on
Sunday.  I'm flexible.  We have a couple of things planned, but primarily
it's a eating meeting.  A social gathering.  A flying of colors in the face
of  adversity. A core grouping.  "We few, we happy few...." What follows
there shall be naught but a triumph of human spirit where gentlemen in
England now abed shall think themselves accursed they were not here...  It's
also a chance to hang out nekked with your friends.  Unless of course you
care to wear garb.

So what are we doing?  Ok, fire.  Big fire.  Ded burnt
bodies.  Pillaging.  Rapping.  Rap, Pillage, Burn.  Rolling bones for
treasure!  Food.  Whack yer buddy.  Guitars and Drums required.  Sing if
you're poor.  Tell stories, if you're destitute.  Smile and be happy in
excess.  Work on your Moon Tan.  Oogle over Berta's new toe.  Hug
trees.  Belch.  Twister.  Other suggestions are welcome.

The Lord's Manor is still under construction, so privies will be requested
from the local province.  Tentage is acceptable.  There be crashable space
in the Lord's Manor, but it's all hard surface (i.e. floor).  Bring your own
rushes, bed bugs, and farm animals if sleeping in the Lord's Manor.  Peasant
fan slaves will be pluggable.  There is water, although the water ogre is a
bit of a moaner whilst at his art.

The Lord's Manor is open to all.  Have fun, decorate the Great Hall!  Don't
fall off the battlements!  You shan't survive and will likely land where
someone has urinated.

Ok, so that's all clear.  EVERYONE is invited and EVERYONE, by Baronial
Decree is EXPECTED to attend.  Unless of course you can show proof of the
pre-existing condition of death with which you may leave early...

We have like two weeks to organize. I and several others will be working out
there non-stop!  We have a village to construct.  Bon fire to pile. Grass to
whack.  Menu to plan.  The Great Hall needs a Medieval Martha Stewart, so
ladies, enjoy yourselves...  Envy me, my Great Hall!  muaHAHAHA!  I suggest
tapestry, banners, and pumpkins.

This is not a sanctioned event, so no real rules, excepting the ones I make
up as we go...  Although all mundane and SCA laws are good guidelines for
behavior.  Don't Drink and Drive.  The Lord's Dungeon is currently full of
gay Saracens, but we'll find room there for anyone caught drunken droving...

Ok, enough for now...

Oh, and a reminder, this gathering IS NOT on site.  Me and the site's land
owner are diligently dozing away underbrush so that you may gaze longingly
in that direction.  Through the trees and across the way, you may catch a
fleeting glimpse of your beloved Hybreasal...  She does exist!  She does
live!  She does miss you!  ...but resist.  You may feel tempted, drawn forth
by heart's desire to frolic free as once we all did there, but
resist.  RESIST!  There be trolls about!  EVIL, MERCILESS TROLLS! ...and no
one, not even our bravest, shall venture forth to recover your body!  So
don't cross the fence!

...although you may touch it once indulgences have been paid.


-----Original Message-----
From: ravensfort-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org [mailto:
ravensfort-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Kief av Kiersted
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 1:17 PM
To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] FW: Blue Moon

Heilsa all...

Regarding the use of the site I would kindly remind everyone that the site
owners asked us as a Barony to limit the number of "events" at the site...

Since the Rohe family is not part of the SCA they may not know the
difference between gatherings like the "Un-event" and "Blue Moon Revel" and
real Ansteorran Calendar events... I would request that the Barony please
limit the use of the site to two real Ansteorran Calendar Events per year
that are hosted by Raven's Fort...further, please limit the number of "camp
out work weekends" to two...one per Calendar event or a total of two per
year for any reason.

The main concern of the V-Bar Ranch owners is overuse of the pasture,
destruction of the grass during dry times and trenching/rutting during times
of mud by vehicle traffic.

Thank you all for you time and your consideration in these concerns.


Now this statement makes me retch, "The Barony does not seem to be filled
with self-motivators right now, so we'll see.  Regardless, there is a core
group of us that are planning on celebrating Blue Moon because... well, we
like to keep moving forward even if the Barony sleeps through it."

Where was your so-called "core group" during the many years the Barony could
have used your assistance? How much "revision of the real history" do you
think people will swallow?

Bah...how shallow...and how deja vu your actions and words...

Wæs Þu Hæl in TroÞ and FriÞ...!
Sir Kief, Baron Raven's Fort
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

p.s. Indeed..."What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but
loses his soul ?"


>From: "byzytym" <byzytym at charter.net>
>To: "ElectricRavens" <ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org>,"David Brown"
><lddevin03 at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] FW:  Blue Moon
>Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 17:43:31 -0500
>The blue moon is Saturday, June 30th.  I figured that we would talk
>about it on Sunday at fighter practice and decide if there is enough
>interest in our group to make it happen.  The Barony does not seem to
>be filled with self-motivators right now, so we'll see.  Regardless,
>there is a core group of us that are planning on celebrating Blue Moon
>because... well, we like to keep moving forward even if the Barony
>sleeps through it.  You are more than welcome either way.
>"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his
>soul ?"

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Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
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