[Gatesedge] Over the Edge

Privette, Carla (ITC) Carla.Privette at itc.hctx.net
Mon Oct 22 11:10:12 PDT 2007

Gate's Edge Populas please be sure to update the Gate's Edge calendar by
Oct 24th for input to the November Over the Edge.  Still  need some "No
@#$% there I was" or some art work.  Be sure to send a release with any
inputs.  Looking forward to putting out a news letter up to the
standards of the past ones. Officers please provide me a note or two for
November for the 24th also. Drop dead date will be the 25th.  Thank you
in advance for you s is your news letter.


Lady Clara Marshall

r help.  Remember thi

Shire of Gate's Edge Chronicler

Fiber Arts Guild Leader 

Blessed Be

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