[Gatesedge] Request for Gates Edge Online Calendar

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Mon Sep 24 11:32:39 PDT 2007

A quick request to the populace regarding the online calendar. 

When I created the utility it was intended as a LOCAL calendar for LOCAL 
happenings and it is my personal preference that it remain that.  There 
are plenty of other online calendars including the kingdom calendar at  
http://calendar.ansteorra.org for other items.

It is understandable that kingdom calendar events in other adjacent 
branches be listed on the calendar buts lets please try to keep other 
misc non Gates Edge stuff at a minimum.  There should be little reason 
to list Black Star submission deadlines, Two Towers submission 
deadlines, Ravens Fort populace meetings, Stargate Officers meetings, 
and such on the calendar.   

Likewise there should be little reason for lots of remote branch events 
on our calendar.  That is what the Black Star and the online Kingdom 
Calendar are for.  If you are going to  the "Day in the Ottoman Empire" 
in Trelac on October 20 and are looking for local folks to accompany 
you, then it might be worth putting on the local calendar and sending a 
note to this list telling folks you plan on attending and would like 
company.  Otherwise that is I think a good example of a calendar entry 
that only serves to clutter up our local calendar and is simply better 
left to the kingdom calendar.


-Eadric Anstapa

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