[Gatesedge] Schedule for the St. Valentines Day Melees at the Stones of Raven's Fort

John Reuter brian_the_french_norman at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 9 16:01:40 PST 2008

The days activities and distractions of scholarly

An A&S display of artisans and craftsman will be held
under the red black and white pavilion until 4:00 pm.
Accomplished artisans and Laurels are asked to give
largess and commentary to the display to help nurture
our up and coming crafts people.

A Scribal Point with charter painting will be held
next to the A&S pavilion until 4:00 pm to support our
Kingdoms courtly needs. 

A Bardic circle will be held by Lord Alden the Raven's
Fort Raven's Scald. Bards, Story tellers and Musicians
are encouraged to come and perform your best piece to
win the attention of the one you love or who inspires
you. More information will be announced at morning

A Youth Chivalric class is to be held. More
information will be given at morning court. If you
have an interest in this fine endeavor please attend.

Water Bering Points will need WATER BEARERS to assist
with all the fighting activities. All the scenarios
have been centrally located so as to help keep the
fighters in yelling distance of the water bearers

If you see a WATER BEARER working hard give them some
recognition and support. If it was not for them WE
would not be fighting and having fun too. Let no good
dead go unrewarded! 

Fighting Schedule for the St. Valentines day Melees

DAWN Arrrg. 
Armor inspection for Rapier, Chivalric and Combat
Archery and siege engineers.

welcoming and opening court, introductions and rules
of engagement and such

All activities will begin!
Rapier open field Melees begin and progress to the
Ravine Battle.

Siege engine field opens for practice.

Chivalric Authorizations and melee discussion with the
chivalry. Division of Armies will commence. Melee
Battles begin as soon as possible, with the the Town
battle first. 

We will have the following chivalric scenarios:

No combat archery or siege just old fashion fighting.

With Combat archery and Siege engines.

Open Field
With Combat archery and Siege engines. 
Combat archery only.

While the Ravine battle is being fought a Siege Engine
Competition and  launching Drills will be conducted at
the Firing Line near the front gate.

All fighting scenarios will stop at 5 pm or when all
the scenarios have been fought and the fighters are
exhausted to the point of ......well maybe not all
All battles to be fought with Gulf rules. The Layouts
and scenarios are all exactly as the Gulf Wars Treaty
states and noted on the Earl Marshals instructions.
Please read the rules and know them!

FEAST and COURT will be served together so as to enjoy
the company of our countryman, Salute our KING and
QUEEN and share in the revelment with our brothers and
sisters! We will sooth our aches and bruises with the
sound of bards and the sharing of good food and drink.

Sunday will be devoted to open practice and site clean
up. court will not be held unless Saturdays activities
cause their Excellencies to desire one!

"Do to other as thou wouldst they should do to thee,
and do to none other but as thou wouldst be done to." 

These words can be found in the following:
(including the New Testament, Talmud, Koran, and the
Analects of Confucius). Among the earliest appearances
in English is Earl Rivers' translation of a saying of
Socrates (Dictes and Sayenges of the Philosophirs,

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