[Gatesedge] Equestrian practice at Raven's Fort Feb. event canceled

John Reuter jareuter1066 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 22 14:49:53 PST 2008

My fellow Nobles,
After much discussion with members of the Kingdom, The
Chivalry and the Kingdom Equestrian Marshal It is with
regret that I announce that we will not be holding an
equestrian practice at The St. Valentines Day Melee
event on February 15-17 2007. Even with our love of
Horses and given another opportunity to marvel at
their wonderful display of power and grace on the
field, we had to think of the greater needs of our
brothers and sisters. Several aspects of equestrian
participation in our Kingdom were weighed and
considered. Travel expense, effort and time were some
of the main concerns. With Gulf Wars on the Horizon
and Kings Lancer Tourey the week after our event it
was decided that the kingdom equestrian community has
plenty to do without the practice. Don't worry though,
Raven's Fort will hold an equestrian competition at
the Stones of Raven's Fort in September at Defender of
the Fort!


Baron Brian du Val
Baron of Raven's Fort
Autocrat of The St. Valentines Day Melees

"Do to other as thou wouldst they should do to thee,
and do to none other but as thou wouldst be done to." 

These words can be found in the following:
(including the New Testament, Talmud, Koran, and the
Analects of Confucius). Among the earliest appearances
in English is Earl Rivers' translation of a saying of
Socrates (Dictes and Sayenges of the Philosophirs,

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