[Gatesedge] Fighter Practice Sunday 6/29

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 18:42:47 PDT 2008

Greetings all!

We are changing the location of fighter practice for tomorrow.  It will be
at my house at 2:00 pm til whenever. After practice, I will be serving
dinner.  Enni, will be leaving Monday and wnats to see everyone one last
time before she returns to Finland.

Even if you don't fight, join us anyway!

Please let me know if you can make it, so I can plan appropriately.

Oh, the menu will be:

   - Hamburgers and Hotdogs
   - Potato Salad
   - Chips
   - Tossed Salad
   - Baked Beans
   - Banana Splits for Dessert

Hope to see you here,

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