[Gatesedge] Hello there

Sway Personal sway_personal at yahoo.com
Mon May 5 18:28:49 PDT 2008

Greetings, all!
  I'm writing to say hello!  My name is Crystal Lamb, known to a few as Mistress Aslyn Crystyn (or if you'd like to get technical Mistress Aislynn Crystyn). You're more than welcome to just call me Ace.  
  I'm a decrepit, aging, out to pasture C&I Laurel who's been secretly living a mild-mannered life here in Spring with my son Nicholas (6).  There is wild speculation that I was once the instigator of numerous adventures in the Steppes however, I assure you, such stories are wholly without merit.  Truly, I have devoted my life to piety and good works  *blink, blink*.  ;)
  I must admit, though, that I long for the days of late night goauche stirring; of paintbrush rolling; of textile banishment; of feasts of unknown etiology; of waking with bleary-eyed disillusionment to the dolcent sounds of "dum, dum, tika tika, dum, dum tik"....ah, yes....it calls to me.  
  And so, I step back into the Circle of Life (with appropriate theme song) and humbly present myself for service, camraderie, and way too much coffee.  

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.
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