[Gatesedge] FW: Janet's Wake

Diane Maynard camelothorse at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 13 07:08:10 PST 2008

For those who would like to know and attend, Telbryne sent this message
about Janet's Wake at TRF.  Sorry if some of you get this message twice.





From: House Morningstar on e-Bay [mailto:hmstar.ebay at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 2:38 AM
To: CamelotHorse at earthlink.net
Subject: Janet's Wake


Dear Diane,

Janet's ashes will be spread at the TRF this Saturday during the fireworks

I am sorry for the tardiness of the information, but I have been a little
busy of late.

Can you spread the word?


House Morningstar


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