[Gatesedge] FW: Stargate Fighter Practice

Snaebjorn Hakonarson snaebjorn_h at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 12 18:32:53 PDT 2009

Thank you to Sir Godwin passing on this request for me. I have also joined the local mailing lists as my lady and I are unsure when we will be able to return to our home in Aethelmearc. Just a bunch of reasons and nothing bad fortunately. We wished to meet and visit our Ansteorran cousins while we are down here. 
If any can help us get to either the event on Saturday or to the local practice on Tuesday it would be greatly appreciated as our current car isn't capable of driving for very far or long due to transmission problems. Please reply offlist though so as not to tie up your local bandwidth.
In service and friendship,
Snaebjorn Hakonarson
Lord of Bjorkrholti of the Sylvan Lands of Aethelmearc

--- On Sat, 4/11/09, David Jurgens <djurgens at swbell.net> wrote:

From: David Jurgens <djurgens at swbell.net>
Subject: FW: Stargate Fighter Practice
To: "'Loch Soilleir Announcements'" <loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org>, "'Barony of Stargate'" <stargate at lists.ansteorra.org>, Gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org
Cc: snaebjorn_h at yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 3:30 PM

I received this email today and I am posting this to a much wider audience in hope that someone might be able to help this good gentle.  At this time, I will not be able to be at practice on Tuesday.  If someone is able to help these folks, please reply directly to his email.  He will not be on this list.

From: Snaebjorn Hakonarson [mailto:snaebjorn_h at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 1:56 PM
To: Djurgens at swbell.net
Subject: Stargate Fighter Practice

Greetings Sir,


I happen to be in the Stargate area with my lady at this time. We were hoping to possibly attend one of the local fighter practices or other such gathering to meet and talk with our Ansteorran cousins. While my lady was born and raised here she didn't join the SCA till she moved in with me up in Aethelmearc. 


What we were wondering was if there was any you might know of who might be able to give us a ride to the practice on Tuesday night? We are staying at her family's home at 1416 Airline Drive and are fairly close to several of the highways. I am also planning on trying to call the Rapier Marshall and see if he might know of someone who can help just in case.


Thank you for any help or advice you can give. 


In service,

Snaebjorn Hakonarson

Lord of Bjorkrholti 

Proud citizen of the Sylvan Lands of Aethelmearc

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