[Gatesedge] Fwd: [Ansteorra] Sad Tidings

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 20:09:18 PST 2009

Please pardon the cross-posting, but I know not everyone here is on the
Kingdom list.

A very dear friend will be missed.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: CJ Steelquist <orange76501 at yahoo.com>
Date: Feb 2, 2009 9:37 PM
Subject: [Ansteorra] Sad Tidings
To: ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org

Greetings Ansteorra,

We bring dire tidings of the passing of a noble Ansteorran. Don Christoforo
Antonio Passavanti was involved this very evening in a fatal motor vehicle
accident. There will be a blank spot noticed upon the rapier fields, and in
the hearts of many. A dear friend has moved on.

Duke Ulsted the Unsteady and Duchess Ebergardis von Zell

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