[Gatesedge] Officers

Carla Privette auntiecarlap at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 24 12:19:40 PDT 2009

Please ahave your inputs to me by this weekend.  My life is very hectic at this time because of family matters and I need to get the OTE done this weekend. 
In Service
Lady Clara Marschal
Chronicler, Shire of Gate;s Edge 
Please also give me the days in order of presidence that you could attend a meeting at a more frequent rate.    Days are rated from 1 thru 5 with 1 being the best.  I would liek to see all the populas provide this infomation.
Lady Clara Marschal
Seneschal, Shire of Gate's Edge
Some times you have to look for the blessings  

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