[Gatesedge] Gulf Wars XIX Land Registration

John Hirling jhirling at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 06:11:37 PDT 2009

I thank all of you who attended for your cheerful collaboration in the face
of our unforeseen challenge.  For any who had not heard, Coastal lost about
half of the land we have used in the past.  This was due to three factors:
1) a lower number of preregistered campers, 2) some preregistrations missing
from the list provided by the Ansteorran Land Steward (through no fault of
hers), and 3) an exceptionally large number of northern preregistrations.
Everyone cooperated fully and we were able to do almost everything we wanted
in terms of common areas and putting those together who wished to camp
together.  We were even able to accommodate many who had not preregistered.

To the extent possible, I'd like to avoid a repeat of this year's
challenges.  While it is obviously too early to preregister, I urge everyone
who even thinks they may be going to Gulf Wars XIX to preregister early
through ACCEPS.  No - I don't get a kickback on the nominal fee. I don't
even use ACCEPS for most events.  But using ACCEPS will give us an
additional check over and above the Gulf Wars records.  If you find you cant
go, the refund policy is not particularly onerous (see this year's below)
but does require a $5 admin fee.  If you decide not to use ACCEPS, I'll be
asking for your confirmation number.

It was truly a pleasure to serve y'all this year and I look forward to my
duties next year.


ihon vinson macFergus, OL
Baron of Stargate
Gulf Wars Coastal Land Steward
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