[Gatesedge] Use of Ansteorran Charters - was Re: Gatesedge Digest, Vol 43, Issue 8

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 12 16:27:27 PST 2009

Hi Annes, 
Before you use an Ansteorran Charter design (black/white or painted) for another use as a graphic image, you may wish to check first with Star Signet and/or the original artisan who designed/created that charter.   

Due to copyright laws, each artisan-scribe grants permission of the use of their original artwork to the SCA, Inc, for specific use as an Ansteorran Award Charter and/or for use on the Ansteorran Scribal website.  There is a charter permission form at the scribes pages on the Ansteorran website, under administration:  

The charter artisan retains their rights to the image of the works; however you may be able to get permission from that original artisan to use a painted scroll on your newsletter cover.  (Referring to permission from the original designer, not the scribe who *paints* the charter document for the Crown use.)  A large number of those scribes who created charters are still around, so if you need help tracking one down, I might be able to find contact info.  

Thought I'd post this to the group so all are aware of the scribal permission forms for use of charters.

Cheers, Hillary  
(back to lurking)

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 18:28:28 -0600
From: Darlene Burns <annescvb at gmail.com>
To: Gatesedge <gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org>,     Paulette Doyle
    <gwendolenmciver at yahoo.com>,    Carolyn Young <caitlin37 at comcast.net>,
    Cynthia of Gates Edge <cymills at scabrewer.com>
Subject: [Gatesedge] I need these people, please

I would love to see the following people submit the requested articles for
the December Over the Edge. If you would pretty please do this for me by
Sunday, November 22, that would be fantastic.

Eric or Cindy-I would love a scan of one of your blank charters that you
have painted to use as cover art for this first issue. Do you think you
might be able to do this at scribal on Sunday? That would be oh so

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