[Gatesedge] Seeking A Person To Cater Period But Non-SCA Event On 12/18/09

Ciarnat Ciarnat at consolidated.net
Mon Oct 26 14:58:27 PDT 2009

Hi Everyone,

     I received the following missive and it is concerned with searching for
a person who would be willing to cater a non-SCA (but medieval-themed)
corporate event for this inquiring individual.

    Please consult your calendar and let her know if you can help out.  I am
NOT familiar with any information related to this note.  If you have
questions, please contact Lady Judith.

    Alas, a family related event already on my calendar for the same date,
prevents me from helping out in any way.

                                                  In Service,


                                          Hospitaler, Stargate

  All meaningful change begins with the right aspirations--Ken Yamashita
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