[Gatesedge] Herald's Office is Open for Applications

Steve Scott (Dietrich) dietrich.strobelbart at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 6 07:13:40 PDT 2010

Greetings unto the Populace of the Shire of Gates Edge!

Just a reminder that the Gates Edge Local Herald Office is open for applications.  To date I have only received one application for this office, and that applicant is new to heraldry and to the area.  I would like to make a decision on this in time to announce it at next Monday's Populace Meeting.  If you would like to apply, please send your application to me at coastal at herald dot ansteorra dot org, with a copy to your Seneschal.  The application should include a completed copy of the form found at http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/ApplicationJan08.pdf  and a scanned copy of the front and back of the applicant's up to date 
membership card (PDF format preferred).
Yours in Service,

Herr Dietrich Strobelbart
Coastal Regional Herald
coastal at herald dot 
ansteorra dot org
mka:Steve Scott 
832-295-3763 Home (rolls over to Cell)
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