[Gatesedge] Baronial

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at kendrick.dyndns.info
Sat Apr 17 18:44:42 PDT 2010

Home now, nice dinner, relaxed in the hot
tub.........................need to say thank you to several people.


Annes.........thank you for giving me the opportunity to feed the
starving masses (even if they were a small mass)  

Thorgard................you are the best, most kind and thoughtful
man.........................keep my friend happy.

Fiametta....................I knew I could count on you for all the
support I needed!  Your flowers ROCKED THE CASBAH!!!!  Best friends for

Antonio....................you said you would be there and you even
brought help!!  Love you......will work on your garb whenever you're

Josh..our new comer................you WORKED your butt off for me today
and I will not EVER forget it.  If you ever need anything you come to

Jason....even after school, you came and helped.........thank you SO
much for helping us break it all down and pack it up!  I'll buy you a
beer the next time I see you!

Nan................I don't know your husbands name but he completely
saved my luncheon today.  I can not express how critical it was for me
to have that hot water and he was READY!!  That was the most beautiful
mousse I have ever seen (show him the photo) and please give him my
undying thanks!!!!  He DID look fabulous BTW....in his garb. And he was
very courtly and courteous!  He even came to get the pan back so I
didn't have to send him a runner!  I would keep him if I were
you..........; )


Love to all............~G~

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