[Gatesedge] For Roberts info

John iaenmor at swbell.net
Sun Aug 22 00:12:16 PDT 2010

Well anyone can look if you want.  But I did tell our new herald I would 
pass this on to him.

http://www.whitemountainarmoury.com/standard.php  Sorry I was wrong on 
the price.  He has gone up a bit but still worth the money.  And he is 
looking for work.
http://www.ironmongerarmory.com/index.php?p=helms  Scroll down the 
page.  $45 cheaper and it is stainless but I don't think the work is as 
good as the above armourer. 
http://www.knotwolf.com/mambo/  Just so you can browse and drool a 
little bit. 


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