[Gatesedge] Report from GOOFS at RT

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 12:32:54 PST 2010

1. There are no bids for King's College. Feb 28th is extended deadline for
bids. Submit to Kingdom.
2. Updated BlackStar event ad check list is up on the chonicler's website.
Radegund has updated the chronicler's handbook. On line.
3. $11,400 profit from 30th year event reported.
4. Kudos to HL Malacci (sp sorry) for nearly 3 years service as regional
5. Kingdom needs bids for coronation and queen's champion
6. Baroness Cathrine (steppes) is stepping down and moving to Weisenfuer
7. Conal needs coordinator for donations to replace stolen kingdom & namron
8. FynnanGoth trying to go to barony...numbers too low but working towards
9. Westgate announced as volontarily dissolving. Many nice things said by
Conal and Ihon with several  bouts of applause given by appreciative
10. conal wants folks to congratulate someone taking office not offer
condolences. Negitivity does not help get people to want to take office.
11. Conal wants to remind all officers that when there are disputes in the
group, the seneschal needs the support to help resolve the conflicts.
12. Reminder...email is great but phone is often better. Don't hesitate to
call rather than email.
13. Gatesedge mentioned as being stable, growing and blowing. :) Mst.
Saundra said nice things about GE.
14. Stargate mentioned as being very active and working hard on recruitment
and retention.

Off to historian's meeting.

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, It is by the beans of Java
that thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes
a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion
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