[Gatesedge] [Stargate] To Middle Eastern drummers and dancers...

Steve Scott (Dietrich) dietrich.strobelbart at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 15 20:40:03 PDT 2010

Change of plans...the first meeting will be at our house on Wednesday, 7/28/10, 
at 7:00pm.

I have started a Yahoo Group for those interested in this.  The group name is 
Aleeasar.  If you have trouble joining the group, email me privately, and I'll 
send you an invitation.


Gwen and I are going to the Demo in Crockett, TX on Saturday.  I'm bringing my 
drum.  Let's jam!


Steve Scott 
832-295-3763 Home
281-731-7726 Cell
Numerus vestri pluma!
Number your feathers!

From: Cynthia Whitford <simonevalery at comcast.net>
To: Judith Beale  <judithelenacrissi at yahoo.com>
Cc: gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org
Sent: Thu, July 15, 2010 5:37:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Gatesedge] [Stargate] To Middle Eastern drummers and dancers...

I would prefer that we start meeting on the 28th at  Dietrich and Gwen's if 
possible.  I still have 3 weeks left of my Monday  night bhangra dance class, 
*and* I don't want to confuse people with 2 different  meeting locations.
----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Judith Beale 
>To: Cynthia Whitford 
>Cc: gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org 
>Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:38    PM
>Subject: Re: [Gatesedge] [Stargate] To    Middle Eastern drummers and 
> Simone,
>I would love to come to your drumming on Monday (7/19) if          beginners are 
>ok. Could you send me the address and directions. I would          be coming 
>straight from work so will this be a garb thing. Should we          bring and 
>food or drinks to share?
>--- On Tue, 7/13/10, Cynthia Whitford <simonevalery at comcast.net> wrote:
>>From:            Cynthia Whitford <simonevalery at comcast.net>
>>Subject:            Re: [Gatesedge] [Stargate] To Middle Eastern drummers and            
>>To: "Barony of Stargate"            <stargate at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Gates Edge 
>>List"            <gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Loch-Soilleir List"            
>><loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Ravensfort List"            
>><ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org>
>>Cc: "Coastal List SCA"            <coastal at lists.ansteorra.org>
>>Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010,            5:41 PM
>>> If there is anyone out there in the Greater            Stargate area who is 
>>>interested in
>>> drumming on a regular            basis, say, once a week or every other week if 
>>>            please let me know.  I would be willing to travel up to 30            
>>>minutes or so each
>>> way if need be.
>>Hi            Dietrich, I am interested in a drumming/dancing practice in the            
>>Stargate area.  I am out in Katy (I-10 at Grand            Parkway)
>>Gatesedge            mailing list
>>Gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org
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