[Gatesedge] TOMORROW, SATURDAY OCT 2, NOON, Camp Camwood

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Fri Oct 1 13:26:11 PDT 2010

The concrete under the pavilion was way dirty last weekend and needed a 
good sweeping  and there is some brush cleanup that I want to down at 
the archery range area...

Therefore I am going out to Camp Camwood,  TOMORROW, Saturday Oct 2, at 
NOON  to do some cleanup and get some work done before our event next 

So if you are free and inclined to do some work at beautiful Camp 
Camwood then come on out.

If you KNOW that you will come out then let me know so I'll know if I'll 
have any help and can scope the work I think we might possibly get done.

My goal is to be done and out of there by 4PM.



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