[Gatesedge] Apologies

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 14:07:01 PDT 2010

This missive got lost in my mail and I failed to put it in the newsletter.
Apologies to all.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Cynthia Mills <cymills at baronbows.com>wrote:

> Populace of Gate's Edge,
> First, let me say "Welcome Back" to those who we have been missing from
> populace and SCA events.  It was great seeing you at our meeting and at
> Archery Practice in August.  Hopefully you will keep coming out and please
> let your officers know if we need to do something different to keep you
> playing.
> Second, there is an Open Office for Knights Marshal.  If you are interested
> please send an application to our current marshal George Le Breton also
> known as George Abercrombie and to our Seneschal; email addresses can be
> found on our Shire Website at:  http://gates-edge.ansteorra.org/
> It has been wonderful to serve our populace as your acting Seneschal. This
> position has been open for the month of August and a new Seneschal will be
> chosen shortly by our Coastal Regional Seneschal and announced at our next
> populace meeting on September 13th.
> There are many events coming up in the next few months including our own
> Celtic Harvest on October 8th - 12th.  We need all populace members to help
> at this event to make it a success. Our event has been chosen to host
> Ansteorra's Royal Huntsman, so this may attract a few more participants
> including their Highnesses, so please help as you can.
> In Service to our Shire, Region and Kingdom
> Lady Cynthia of Gate's Edge
> Acting Seneschal

"None left to rescue, none left to buy,
None left to suffer, none left to die.
None to be beaten, none to be kicked.
All must be loved and
All must be fixed."
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