[Gatesedge] Newcommer Kits & Silent Auction - A call for donations.
Antonio de Latour
delatour at ymail.com
Tue Sep 28 09:23:34 PDT 2010
Unto the populace of Gates Edge,
We are working on newcomer kits for Our Celtic Harvest Event in a few weeks and
are in dire need of help from our Populace! Also, Please remember Cynthia of
Gate's Edge, Ciarnat of Firethorn & Leofwine of Sumersaetum will be hosting a
silent auction at the Celtic Harvest Faire & Royal Huntsman Tournament the
weekend of October 8-10, 2010!
Do you have old or unwanted items? Are you ready to purge some of the
overwhelming abundance in your SCA totes? If so please consider one of the
following causes and make a donation.
1.) We will accept the following items for our newcomer kits;
Medium sized baskets
Feast gear consisting of
Spoons, forks, knives
Dinner Plates
If you have some or all of the above items please contact
me(delatour at ymail.com) or the event Autocrat, Caitlin ferch Gwynnora
(coyote_girl000 at yahoo.com) to schedule pickup of your donations.
2.) For all items being donated to the Silent Auction please contact "Cynthia
(cymills at baronbows.com) or Ciarnat (ciarnat at consolidated.net) with a
listing of the items so [they] can begin to prepare auction sheets to accompany
the donated items. Then, please bring the donated items to the Gate's
Edge event."
Donations for Newcommer kits for this event will be accepted through October 6th
in order to ensure proper planning of purchases for missing items after the
deadline. However, you may contact your Seneschal or Hospitaller at any time if
you feel the need to purge your SCA closets. After all we must pay heed to the
idiom “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Also, There will be a Hospitality tent on site near the List Field near the
Royal Tent (location may change). Feel free to refer all the first timers to the
Antonio de LaTour
Hopitaller, Gate's Edge
io servo
to: Gate's Edge List
cc: HE Gwendolen McIver
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